5 Reasons Why We Love the Day + Dusk Smart Bulb

As a company that designs and manufactures light fixtures, we’re strong advocates for the bulbs that illuminate them. And this season, we’re excited to introduce a brand new type of LED bulb that’s right up our aesthetic alley: the Day + Dusk Smart Bulb. Fully programmable through a smartphone app (or other smart device) and with no hub required, these petite but powerful bulbs have already become a Schoolhouse staple. With the ability to change the color temperature, brightness, and even turn it on or off remotely, this bulb sets a new standard for ease of use, light quality, and efficiency. While there are many reasons why we think everyone should make the smart bulb switch, below we share our top 5 reasons why we love the Day + Dusk Smart Bulb.
1. Change Your Color Temperature With Ease
There’s no denying it; understanding color temperature is the secret to a superior interior. The color of a light bulb has the power to change the look and feel of a space. Cooler tones often function as task lighting to encourage productivity while warmer hues provide a relaxing environment that help you wind down. In the past, we’ve created a strategic lighting plan based on the room’s primary activity – cooler tones for kitchens and warmer light for living rooms. But given that most rooms serve multiple functions nowadays, it can be challenging to decide which hue works best. Instead of having to stick to one color per room, the smart bulb can easily change from warm to cool with a simple swipe on the app.
2. Control Your Lighting Remotely
The days of wondering if you remembered to turn off your lights after you’ve left the house are long gone. Now, you can easily control the light bulb from your smartphone. Turn your house lights off from the comfort of your bed or turn your porch lights on as you drive home for a warm winter’s welcome as the darker days approach. The smart bulb also has a setting that will randomly turn different lights on and off in the house to make it look like someone’s home. This comes in handy for security purposes when you’re on vacation.